An upside-down cake is a cake that is baked in a single pan with its toppings at the bottom of the pan, hence “upside-down”. Then, when removed from the oven, the upside-down preparation is de-panned onto a serving plate, thus righting it, and serving it right-side up.
60grams of Butter
1/2 cup of honey
1 can of pineapple
210 grams of flour on its own
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
50gram CSR Sugar Better Brown
120ml of full cream milk
1 egg
60ml of plain yogurt
60ml of pineapple juice
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Add your own flour, bicarbonate soda, salt. Stir until well combined.
Include Better Brown sugar CSR, honey, egg-filled milk, pineapple juice, yogurt, vanilla essence, melted butter. Mix at a moderate speed.
Add flour mixture at medium speed
Add honey, melted butter. Stir well.
Put honey butter in the pan
Put pineapple on honey butter, then insert batter into the cake pan.